A Strange Trip to John Hinckley’s Nonexistent Record Store

A Strange Trip to John Hinckley’s Nonexistent Record Store

On Friday afternoon, I found myself Ubering through Colonial Williamsburg—past wood-barrel trash cans and spilt-rail pens of dirty sheep—en route to an address that had been tweeted by John Hinckley, Jr., the man who shot Ronald Reagan in 1981. Outside the town center, I cruised a forlorn strip of auto-related establishments, then disembarked at a…

How To Use Apple Watch As A Digital Key For Your Tesla Car – Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA)

How To Use Apple Watch As A Digital Key For Your Tesla Car – Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA)

Tesla Inc. TSLA has officially rolled out Apple Inc.’s AAPL Watch app, allowing users to transform their watch into a digital key for their vehicle. What Happened: Tesla has expanded its ecosystem by introducing an official Apple Watch app, offering functions previously accessible only via the Tesla smartphone app or third-party applications. As of Dec….

Why Fans Think the Rambo 6 Trailer Is Real

Why Fans Think the Rambo 6 Trailer Is Real

The buzz around a supposed Rambo 6: Redemption trailer has taken the internet by storm, leaving fans speculating whether Sylvester Stallone is making a long-awaited Rambo 6. With an intriguing title and dramatic sequences teased online, many believe this could be the revival of the iconic Rambo series. But is the trailer genuine, or just another fan-made masterpiece? Is…

Colleen Zenk on Working With Ray Wise, Redemption for Jordan (Exclusive)

Colleen Zenk on Working With Ray Wise, Redemption for Jordan (Exclusive)

Aunt Jordan (Colleen Zenk) and Ian Ward (Daytime Emmy-winner Ray Wise) are the most diabolical team-up on TV since Catwoman joined forces with the Joker! Watch for the couple’s scheme to take down the Newman clan to pick up steam this week on Young and the Restless. There’s been speculation that Jordan and Ian may…

MTG Innistrad Remastered cards are a must for collectors

MTG Innistrad Remastered cards are a must for collectors

Jack Bye   ❘   Published: 2024-12-09T16:47:14 MTG collectors will want to lock in Innistrad Remastered’s unique poster art cards, especially if you’re a fan of stunning card art. MTG’s Remastered sets are primarily focused on long-term players who are looking to celebrate a particular favorite plane. However, Innistrad Remastered is also shaping up to…

Egypt’s Redemption—and Ours – Christianity Today

Egypt’s Redemption—and Ours – Christianity Today

Egypt’s Redemption—and Ours – Christianity Today Skip to content Apple PodcastsDown ArrowDown ArrowDown Arrowarrow_left_altLeft ArrowLeft ArrowRight ArrowRight ArrowRight Arrowarrow_up_altUp ArrowUp ArrowAvailable at Amazoncaret-downCloseCloseEmailEmailExpandExpandExternalExternalFacebookfacebook-squareGiftGiftGooglegoogleGoogle KeephamburgerInstagraminstagram-squareLinkLinklinkedin-squareListenListenListenChristianity TodayCT Creative Studio Logologo_orgMegaphonepausePinterestPlayPlayPocketPodcastSaveSaveSaveSearchSearchsearchSpotifyStitcherTelegramTable of ContentsTable of Contentstwitter-squareWhatsAppXYouTubeYouTube Source link

Murphy: Bills lose thriller in LA, but redemption is only six days away

Murphy: Bills lose thriller in LA, but redemption is only six days away

In the end, after all the questions about timeouts and their use, after breaking it down to ten-seconds or five-seconds of time left, Sean McDermott had a pretty simple explanation of the Bills 44-42 loss to the Rams. “It’s the line of scrimmage. It’s being able to run the ball with two running backs. It’s…

New Details for GTA Online’s Agents of Sabotage Update Revealed

New Details for GTA Online’s Agents of Sabotage Update Revealed

Rockstar Games may be preparing to release GTA 6 next year, but it hasn’t slowed down on adding frequent updates to GTA Online. The online multiplayer game has been a cornerstone of Rockstar’s success, and it might be getting its final winter update this month with Agents of Sabotage. Rockstar has exclusively revealed new details…

If You’re Old Enough To Sing Backstreet Boys From Memory, You’ll Probably Want These 42 Products By Now

If You’re Old Enough To Sing Backstreet Boys From Memory, You’ll Probably Want These 42 Products By Now

We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page. 1. A tear-off daily self-care calendar for a gentle way to start your day and still…