The Wrapp – Pleasing Pets, Continental Conquest and Leaving the House
Hey there, welcome to our latest edition of The Wrapp.
This is a chance for you to see what the various members of the Pocket Gamer team are planning to play over this weekend and will, hopefully, give you an idea of some of the weird and wonderful things we get up to when we’re not keeping you up to speed with the latest news and tips. Heck, you might even find a new game to play.
Catherine Dellosa
Reviews Editor
Has been living under a rock, it seems, as she’s only just discovered the Ranma 1/2 Remake on Netflix and will be spending the weekend binge-watching one of her childhood anime faves.
Jupiter Hadley
Staff Writer
Pokemon Go is killing me this week.
As you likely read last week, I did not play Pokemon Go at the weekend due to the run up to Go Wild weekend. This week, I have been running Pokemon Go events every single evening, in the British cold.
Go Wild takes place on Saturday and Sunday, 10am to 6:15pm each day, so I will literally be doing that absolutely all day. It’s going to be a big grind and I am hoping we have enough people to take on some of the Dynamax Toxtricity, because it seems like you need a lot.
You’ll need to check back next week to see if I am still alive, as I will also be running events until Wednesday – 10 day streak – and it’s so cold. I will not be playing anything else.
Iwan Morris
Staff Writer
I’m going to likely abscond from any mobile gaming this week. Although in an interesting inversion I’ve found myself plunging back into Total War: Rome Remastered, which some of you may recognise as being created by Feral Interactive, the team behind the mobile port of the original Rome: Total War.
Now as much as the slightly revisionist approach to Total War: Empire does frustrate me (am I the only one who remembers when this was considered the unmitigated death-knell of the series?) I do like the actual gameplay, setting and mechanics. So hopefully Feral’s most recent foray into translating Total War to mobile with their port of Empire might precipitate a hopeful remaster to smooth out the kinks and let us enjoy this 17th-century warfare simulator as CA intended
Cristina Mesesan
Staff Writer
This weekend we had our second (!) snow of the year, so I’m planning to go to the village up in the mountains and enjoy a cup of hot cocoa, surrounded by snow. No gaming for me!
Stephen Gregson-Wood
Deputy & Special Projects Editor
I missed last week’s Wrapp because I had the week off. But, in case you were interested, I spent my gaming time working through the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy because I’m rarely current when it comes to console gaming these days. On mobile, I continued enjoying Pokemon TCG Pocket, although my interest is waning with less frequent pack openings to look forward to. On top of that, I’ve assembled the meta Mewtwo and Gardevoir deck, which kind of makes it feel like I’ve completed battling since it’s so strong. The main challenge? Other Mewtwo and Gardevoir decks.
However, that’s the past, and this weekly post is all about the future. So, this weekend, I plan to try out Bart Bonte’s latest effort, Mister Antonio. If you’re unfamiliar with Bonte, he’s previously made a series of excellent puzzlers named after colours – they have big Impossible Quiz vibes if you remember that gem from the Flash days. Mister Antonio is a slightly different offering, seeing you fulfilling the demands of the titular cat instead of solving abstract puzzles. Cats are great, though, so it’s a strong selling point.
Will Quick
Freelance Writer
It’s been a week of new games and try-outs in the mobile world as I tried to make sure that everything is running well. It’s making me think that maybe my gear could use a few upgrades, but then I have to wonder: Why do so many mobile games not have graphics settings? What is the cut-off for games to have some kind of graphical or system setting so that it can run on older devices? I’m curious if mobile games might be the most technically demanding.
While I ponder that, I have some other games to play, namely Capybara, GO! Which is now available in my region. Alongside it, I’ll be playing some random games with Darkest Dungeon style and a farming game about growing monsters. Will this help me in my quest to find the best mobile game? Hopefully.
Dann Sullivan
Editor in Chief
It looks like I’m going to be in both the Destiny: Rising and Infinity Nikki playtests in the coming hours, so that should be a hoot!
Outside of that it’s very much trying to proceed with Pokemon TCG Pocket while juggling the aforemention Pokemon Go events that Jupiter mentioned earlier.
That said, I will not be partaking in the ten-day evening event streak as on Sunday I’m taking part in a day-long Pinball tournament. As such, I will be spending that day ‘playing the silver ball’, aka relentlessly hammering flippers and pretending that I know what I’m doing.